Stark; The Life and Wars of John Stark, French and Indian War Ranger Revolutionary War General


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Stark; The Life and Wars of John Stark, French and Indian War Ranger Revolutionary War General by Richard V. Polhemus and John F. Polhemus

Illustrated biography of the New Hampshire farmer and lumberman who won the Battle of Bennington and helped save the American Revolution. John Stark served as a captain of rangers with Robert Rogers in the French and Indian War and fought in many of the legendary battles along Lake George and Lake Champlain. Stark’s ranger experience taught him tactics he would use effectively in the Revolution as he rose through the ranks to brigadier general, fighting at Bunker Hill, Trenton, Princeton, Springfield, Bennington, and Saratoga (Stark’s Knob). He crossed the Delaware with Washington, covered the retreat of the army from Canada, defended Fort Ticonderoga, and sat on the Board of General Officers that convicted Major John Andr, Benedict Arnold’s British contact. But his greatest achievement was at Hoosick, N.Y., in what became known as the “Battle of Bennington.” Stark’s achievements are little known, but his words live on: “Live Free or Die.”

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Weight .652 kg